

Our sustainability activites in
the field of action Environment

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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. As a company and as part of society, we want to make our contribution to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement. As part of the flexible packaging value chain, we have an impact on the packaging market and can support striking a balance between product safety and the environmental impact of packaging waste. For this reason, the sustainability aspects of climate protection and circular economy are of utmost importance to us in the area of environmental action. Furthermore, we will build on our existing commitment to environmental protection and develop a systematic approach to environmental management in line with international standards.

Our focus topics in the field of action "environment"

Climate protection

Climate protection

"As a manufacturing company, we are making our contribution to achieving the 1.5°C target set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. In line with the science-based Targets initiative, we are aiming for a reduction path of 21 percent greenhouse gas emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 within 5 years. This corresponds to an average reduction of approx. 4.2 percent per year."

Our first Carbon Footprint

In 2022, we calculated our first greenhouse gas emissions balance retrospectively for the 2021 financial year. The calculation was based on the principles of the international regocnized standard Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The results for the year 2021 now serve as a base year and reference for measurably reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years.

As part of W&H Group, we are guided by the Science Based Targets initiative with the aim of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, we are aiming for an annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 4.2% (Scope 1 and Scope 2). By achieving climate neutrality by 2030, we would like to fulfill our global responsibility and contribute to the limiting climate change.

Shares of emission categories in the total greenhouse gas balance of 2022

Corporate Carbon Footprint 2022

In 2022, we emitted a total of 1,485 tons of CO2 equivalents through our corporate activities. By switching to eco-gas in purchasing, 142 tons of CO2e generated by the use of natural gas were offset by international certified CO2 projects.

Compared to the previous year 2021, we reduced our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 31%. We have therefore far exceeded our target of an annual reduction of emissions by 4.2%. Meanwhile, Scope 3 emissions in upstream and downstream value chains rose by 20 percent.

Despite an increase in total greenhouse gas emissions, we were able to reduce our emissions per employee from 8.2 to 7.9 t CO2e per employee compared to the previous year.


Over the past few years, we have started to electrify our vehicle fleet. Furthermore, we are keen to continue expanding our on-site charging infrastructure. By 2022, we had installed a total of 14 charging stations on our premises. In 2023, we have already expanded our charging options by another three charging points.

In order to make the ruse of public transport more attractive, a new 49-euro "Jobticket" is being introduced in November 2023, subsidized by GARANT. Via the GARANT occupational health management, we also offer our employees the option to lease a bike. Almost 100 employees have already signed up to this service.

Climate protection at a glance: Our measures 2022/23

  • Start of carbon footprint accounting: calculation of our first greenhouse gas balance in 2022 for 2021
  • Switch to greenhouse-gas-neutral natural gas* from 2022 onwards
  • Expansion of the electric charging infrastructure: 9 new charging points at the site
  • Gradual electrification of our vehicle fleet

*Greenhouse-gas-neutral due to the certified offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions

Circular economy

Circular economy

"We meet our special responsibility in the flexible packaging market by promoting a Circular economy and mitigating the consequences of waste through our actions and technologies."

Circular economy since 1973

Overhauling of used machines

Our origins lie in overhauling of used machinery: GARANT was founded in 1973 as a subsidiary of Windmöller & Hölscher with the aim of reconditioning and reselling used W&H machines. It was not until 1998 that GARANT also began developing and producing new paper bag machines and it has been the W&H Group’s expert for paper bag machines ever since. The overhauling of used machinery remains a central part of our business model and identity.

More information about our 2nd hand machines: used machinery .

Machine innovations for circular packaging

EXTRA 5-FS: Rediscovering the cross-bottom paper bag

With the new EXTRA 5-FS , GARANT is picking up on the global packaging trend for paper cross bottom bags. At the 2023 “interpack” trade fair, we presented our new cross bottom bag machine, which meets the requirements for modern and ecological production. Areas of application include the hygiene sector, for example in the form of secondary packaging for diapers.

MATADOR e.BAG: E-commerce shipping and return mailer bag machine

With the MATADOR e.BAG , GARANT has developed a machine especially for the e-commerce market. It enables a paper-based mailer bag solution that meets the high standards needed for shipping and returns. At the same time, it makes end consumers more aware of sustainable shipping.

Circular economy at our site

A new reusable deposit system in our canteen

Together with W&H and our catering company, we introduced the reusable deposit system Recup & Rebowl in January 2023. Instead of single-use containers, we now use returnable cups and bowls made from BPA-free plastic. The containers can be used 500 to 1,000 times and are recyclable. This protects the environment by reducing waste and is both convenient and practical for our employees. Our caterer is also committed to climate protection and has been supplying us with daily fresh food on a climate-neutral basis since August 2022.

Circular economy at a glance: Our measures 2022/23

  • Development of the EXTRA 5-FS cross-bottom bag machine
  • Development of the MATADOR e.BAG e-commerce mailer bag machine
  • Ongoing overhaul of used packaging machines
  • Introduction of a reusable deposit system in our canteen

Environmental protection and biodiversity


"We are dedicated to the conservation and protection of our natural environment, flora, fauna and ecosystems and want to secure them for future generations. To achieve this, we systematically manage our material environmental aspects and continuously improve our environmental performance."*

*This guideline is currently being expanded into a comprehensive environmental policy.

ECOPROFIT recertification 2022

GARANT has taken part in the regional environmental management project “ECOPROFIT” for the fourth time and has thus achieved its third recertification. As part of this project, GARANT worked with ECOPROFIT consultants to perform a status check and collect relevant environmental data. On this basis, measures for operational environmental protection and employee health were developed. Using the results as a basis, measures were developed for corporate environmental protection and employee healthcare.

Outlook: Environmental management in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard

Through the ECOPROFIT project, GARANT has been familiar with the methods and measures of corporate environmental management for over a decade. In 2024, GARANT intends to professionalize and standardize its existing activities in environmental management by obtaining certification in accordance with the international ISO 14001 standard. In this regard, we have already started establishing the environmental management system.

Our meadow orchard containing 32 fruit trees

Near-natural company site

Following the move to an very energy-efficient new building in 2019, a new sustainable focus area for the building management was defined in 2022: Measures that bring our site closer to nature and increase biodiversity on the premises.

In collaboration with the regional nature conservation association "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Naturschutz Tecklenburger Land e.V." (ANTL), we have developed a concept of measures to promote biodiversity on our company premises. The collaboration with ANTL was an excellent employee proposal submitted for the 2022 sustainability ideas contest.

The first few measures have already been implemented on the site. In spring 2023, an meadow orchard containing 32 fruit trees was planted around the building. In late summer, this was followed by a perennial bed and a Mediterranean herb garden. The Implementation of the biodiversity concept will continue in 2024. Further planting of hedges and bushes and wildflower meadows will then follow.

Environmental protection and biodiversity at a glance: Our measures 2022/23

  • ECOPROFIT recertification in 2022
  • Creation of a biodiversity concept for GARANT’s premises in 2022
  • Start of concept implementation in 2023: Creation of an orchard and wild flower meadow